ITSPC 2016

Report from the 9th POLISH ITS CONGRESS 2016
16-17 May 2016, Warsaw

– 16.05.2016 (day 1) – download
– 17.05.2016 (day 2) – download

Photo Coverage – go to

Conclusions – read

The 9th POLISH ITS CONGRESS (PKITS –Polski Kongres ITS) is over; this event, held by ITS POLSKA Association, hosted more than 300 people –officials of companies dealing in Intelligent Transport System, administration and local government authorities, representatives of technical universities and specialist press from all over Poland. Among the Congress’ participants, more than 40% were people from local governments. This year’s edition of the Congress took place on 16-17 May 2016 at the Novotel Centrum hotel, Warsaw. Every year, the Congress attracts more and more people, papers and discussions. They concern not only the ever-growing numbers of issues related to car transport, but also the standardization of the ITS market.

For many years, the Polish ITS Congress have provided a platform for experts and a chance to present scientific research and studies which can find practical use.

“I’m sure that the 9th edition of the Polish ITS Congress, like the previous ones, will prove successful and will foster innovations and further growth of the Polish ITS industry. We’re living in interesting times, a transition period if you will, when everyday use of most innovative technological advancements is no longer something exceptional. The trend we’re getting to see more and more is the automation and autonomization of transport means and transport as such, while cooperative systems, the so-called C-ITS and mobile technologies are becoming a commonplace. I’m sure that such challenges can be met only if we work together, the administration, industry and R&D sector,” said Piotr Stomma, the Vice-Minister of Infrastructure and Construction at the formal opening of the Congress.

The organizers of the 9th Polish ITS Congress stressed issues related to applications of ITS solutions, in particular traffic management systems and public transport technologies. Other discussions included issues related to road toll collection, railroad traffic management systems, parking systems, as well as standardization and numerous legal, economic and financial aspects.

During the two days of the Congress, 36 speeches were delivered in the following topic sections:
•    Toll collection systems;
•    Wireless rail transport systems;
•    The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT – Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji);
•    Other systems;
•    Traffic management systems;
•    The standardization of the ITS market and personal data protection.

As always, the first day of the Congress was rounded off with an evening gala and award ceremony in the ITS LEADER contest. The contest is held by ITS POLSKA and the editors of the ITS Journal (Przegląd-ITS). This year, the contest received an honorary patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, the National Road Safety Council, the General Inspectorate of Road Transport, the Centre of EU Transport Projects and the Polish Road Commercial Chamber. The award for the best diploma paper was funded by Neurosoft. The main goal of the contest is to promote undertakings which foster the growth of friendly ITS technologies in Poland, especially innovative and efficient products – devices, implementations and scientific solutions.

The contest jury in the following panel: Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski – Chairman, Professor Jerzy Mikulski, Tomasz Kamiński, PhD Eng, Marek Litwin, PhD Eng, Jacek Oskarbski, PhD Eng, Marek Rolla, Msc Eng, and Piotr Krukowski, Msc, selected 3 winners in all categories and gave 4 distinctions. The winners received statuettes and distinctions from Piotr Stomma, the Vice-Minister of Infrastructure and Construction.

The winners of this year’s edition of the Contest are:
Best product-device delivered by ITS companies:
ITS LEADER 2016: Sprint S.A.

The contest jury awarded the statuette of ITS LEADER 2016 to Sprint S.A. for their design and implementation of a multi-functional ITS system in Łódź.

Distinctions: Videoradar Sp. z o.o.  
for their innovative device called INTEGRA 3D, which allows for automatic traffic control, including offence registration.

Distinctions: Qumak S.A.
for their implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot.

Best implementations by local governments and institutions:
ITS LEADER 2016: The City Hall of Olsztyn

The jury awarded the statuette of ITS LEADER 2016 to the City Hall of Olsztyn for their implementation of ITS solutions in the Integrated Mass Transport System.

Distinctions: The Commune of the City of Rzeszów
The distinctions went to the Intelligent Transport System in Rzeszów

Best diploma paper of a university graduate:
ITS LEADER 2016: Aleksandra Marcinkowska, Eng

The Jury awarded the statuette of ITS LEADER 2016 to Mrs Aleksandra Marcinkowska for her diploma paper “The Implementation of RFID Technologies in Emergency Vehicles in Traffic Control”

Distinctions: Przemysław Nowak, MSc, Eng

Mr Przemysław Nowak, MSc, Eng, received distinctions for his MSc diploma paper “Identification of Structure and Loading of Vehicles with the Use of Weight Pre-Selection Station for Vehicles”.

The second day of the Congress covered two sessions, while an additional item in the agenda was a debate held with the assistance of Law Daily (Dziennik Gazeta Prawna). The debate was moderated by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna’s Konrad Majszyk. The following people took part in the debate: Marek Cywiński (Kapsch Telematic Services Polska), Marek Litwin (ITS POLSKA), Szymon Puczyński (the Centre of EU Transport Projects), Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski (the Warsaw University of Technology), Paweł Szaciłło (the Ministry of Development), Jarosław Waszkiewicz (the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction). The issues they talked about concerned such topics like: plans related to KSZR, the expansion of the Toll Collection System, ITS financing in the current situation, Public and Private Partnership, research and development in 2014-2020 programmes.

The guests and speakers of the 6th POLISH ITS CONGRESS included, in the order of their speeches: Marek Litwin (ITS POLSKA), Piotr Stomma (MIiB), Jerzy Kwieciński (MR), Przemysław Gorgol (CUPT), Piotr Pryciński (NCBR), Andrzej Maciejewski (GDDKiA), Wojciech Suchorzewski (the Programme Council), Johan Schoups (Viapass), Aneta Moreton (Kancelaria NeuroLex), Patricia Wrześniewski (T-Systems), Patryk Zakrzewski (ZDW Kraków), Cedric Besson (Egis Projects), Ewa Wolniewicz Warska (Kapsch), Jerzy Żanowski (Kapsch), Stanisław Gago (the Railroad Institute), Lucyna Bester (the Railroad Institute), Marcin Gołębiewski (the Railroad Institute), Marek Sumiła (the Railroad Institute), Paweł Gradowski (the Railroad Institute), Tomasz Polichnowski (PIIT), Michał Rogalski (PIIT), Jean Noël Marteau (Egis Projects), Dawid Brudny (APM PRO), Michał Żuchora (Vitronic), Tomasz Tupalski (MZD in Toruń), Sławomir Daniek (Trax elektronik), Jakub Kozak (Axis Communications Poland), Karsten McFarland (PTV Group), Przemysław Staśkowiak (Kapsch), Paweł Gora (the University of Warsaw), Rafał Kucharski (the Cracow University of Technology), Piotr Pęcherski (Sprint), Andrzej Krych (the Poznań University of Technology), David Montgomery (Siemens AG), Luke Normington (Siemens AG), Mariusz Kozłowski (Trapeze), Łukasz Stanisławski (Trapeze), Maarten Clement (TomTom), Tomasz Kamiński (the Car Transport Institute), Mariusz Kołkowski (Sprint), Piotr Burnos (the University of Science and Technology), Janusz Gajda (the University of Science and Technology), Dariusz Obcowski (Siemens), Paweł Szmajda (Geopolis), Adam Ramza (Geopolis), Cezary Dołęga (Neurosoft), Leon Rizzi (INRIX), Valentin Magliano (Image Sensing Systems).

The patronage over this year’s Congress was held by: ERTICO ITS Europe, ITS Nationals, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, the Sejm Commission of Infrastructure, the General Directorate of National Roads and Motorways, the Chief Inspectorate of Road Transport, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Convent of Directors of Administrations of Province Roads, the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the Union of Polish Metropolitan Cities, the Association of Polish Cities, the Association of Polish Districts, the Association of Polish Rural Communes, the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia, the Presidents of the following cities: the Capital City of Warsaw, Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Katowice, Kielce, Łódź, Olsztyn, Opole, Poznań, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Toruń, Wrocław, Zabrze, Marshalls of the following provinces: Mazowieckie, Lubuskie, Łódzkie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Małopolskie, Pomorskie, Śląskie, Zachodniopomorskie.

The sponsors of the Congress are: EGIS (Platinum Sponsor), KAPSCH (Diamond Sponsor), NEUROSOFT, PTV, SIEMENS, T-SYSTEMS (Gold Sponsors), APM, ATEM, AXIS Communications Poland, GEOPOLIS, TRAPEZE, SPRINT, TRAX ELEKTRONIK VITRONIC, (Silver Sponsors), NEUROSOFT (Sponsor of leashes and funder of the award in the ITS LEADER contest).

Written by: Paulina Modelewska, Przegląd-ITS