PKITS – summary 2023

Dear Sirs,

On behalf of the Organizer, the ITS POLSKA Association, we would like to thank you for your participation in the 15th jubilee POLISH ITS CONGRESS, which took place on October 9-10, 2023 at the “Mercure Warszawa Centrum” hotel in Warsaw. During the two days of the meeting, more than 240 people took part in the congress and it is worth noting that 61% were representatives of the public sector, whose participation is free of charge, 34% were participants from companies and 8% were employees from universities and institutions. 

The POLISH ITS CONGRESS is the largest event for companies in the ITS sector in Poland. For 15 years, it has been a place to acquire new knowledge, exchange views, inspiration and establish business relationships. The 14th editions so far have been attended by nearly 4,000 entrepreneurs and experts from Polish, European and Asian countries, the United States and Canada, as well as a large group of representatives of central and local government administration, business environment institutions and the world of science.

Photos – see

As part of this year’s edition of the congress, 3 sessions were held: “ITS technologies in urban transport”, “Innovations and modelling of ITS”, “Artificial intelligence and digital cloud” and 5 discussion panels: “SmartCity Lab: Science-Business-Local Government”, “How to improve mobility in cities?”, “Good practices and challenges of ITS implementation”, “Vertiport as an element of the Smart City multimodal transport infrastructure”, “Accessibility in transport from the point of view of managers and users”. We would like to thank all the Speakers who share their knowledge and experience with the participants through their speeches.


Presentations – download

We invite you to read the letter we received from the Minister of Infrastructure, Andrzej Adamczyk. 

On October 9, 2023, during the 15th edition of the Polish ITS Congress, the final of the 13th edition of the Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski ITS LEADER competition took place under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure. Awarded for the thirteenth time, the Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski ITS LEADER statuette in 2023 awarded projects and tasks completed in 2022 in three out of four categories:

• the best product-device implemented by companies from the ITS industry,

• best implementation of projects/activities by government agencies, local governments and institutions,

• the best scientific and research work,

• the best diploma thesis of a university graduate.

The main objective of the Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski ITS LEADER competition is to promote projects aimed at the development of friendly technologies of Intelligent Transport Systems in Poland, especially innovative and effective products-devices, implementations and scientific solutions.

The competition jury, consisting of: Prof. Mirosław Siergiejczyk – Chairman, Prof. Jerzy Mikulski, Prof. Tomasz Kamiński, Prof. IBDiM, Dr. Marek Litwin, Prof. Jacek Oskarbski, Professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology, Marek Rolla, MSc and Piotr Krukowski, MSc, selected the following winners of each thematic category.

  • Category “Best ITS Product-Device”:

YUNEX Sp. z o. o. for the “Cooperative Intelligent Transport System C-ITS”.

  • Category “Best Public Sector Implementation”:

MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY OF MOSTÓW STREET IN TYCHY for the “Intelligent traffic management and control system” in Tychy”.

  • Category “Best Scientific and Research Paper”:

Team of Authors: Andrzej Czyżewski and Andrzej Sroczyński from the Gdańsk University of Technology for “INZNAK – Intelligent road signs for adaptive control of vehicle traffic, communicating in V2X technology”.

  • Distinction  in the ITS LEADER 2023 competition in the category “Best ITS Product-Device”:

SNARTO  Sp. z o. o. for “SNARTO ITS – a solution in the form of an artificial intelligence engine, the main goal of which is to optimize transport processes”.

We would like to thank all the Sponsors, Patrons and Partners who supported our activities and contributed to the success of the POLISH ITS CONGRESS, which is organized for the 15th time. We have known some of you since the beginning of the ITS POLSKA Association, we meet every year and together we create an environment that spreads knowledge and news about safe transport, which can be implemented on city and national roads.

We would like to thank all sponsors, without whom the free participation of representatives of public institutions would not be possible: Hikvision Poland as a diamond sponsor and lunch host. Image Sensing Systems, Integrated Solutions, Swarco Poland as gold sponsors and hosts of coffee breaks and Advantech Poland, APM PRO, Sprint, Neurosoft as silver sponsors

During the two days of the congress, the participants were offered an exhibition zone, where they could talk directly with companies about the presented products or solutions. HikVision Poland, Integrated Solutions, Image Sensing Systems, Advantech Poland, Sprint, APM PRO, Neurosoft, ZIR ELDRO, Elmark Automatyka and Solix Digital Signage Systems have planned their stands.

We would like to express our gratitude to our Honorary Patrons: the European organization ERTICO / ITS Nationals, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, the Association of Polish Counties, the Convention of the Voivodeship Roads Authority, the Association of Polish Cities, the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Road Construction; 13. Marshals of the following voivodeships: Lower Silesian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Lubelskie, Lubuskie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Pomorskie, Świętokrzyskie, Wielkopolskie, West Pomerania; 12. Mayors of the following cities: Białystok, Gdańsk, Katowice, Lublin, Łódź, Olsztyn, Poznań, Rzeszów, Szczecin, Toruń, Warsaw, Zielona Góra; PKITS Partners: SmartCity Lab Chełm, Education and Consulting Centre “IKKU”, Polish Aviation Club, KLIR Traffic Engineering Club Association and Polish Road Congress, as well as media partners, i.e. industry portals:,, as well as the Motorway and Public Roads Magazine.

President of the Board of the ITS POLSKA Association, Marek Litwin