

The jubilee, fifteenth edition of the POLISH CONGRESS OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS is ahead of us. While preparing this year’s conference program, we felt as ITS POLSKA Associations, in a special way obliged to provide an interesting program and proper setting of the entire event. It is undoubtedly the largest conferenceevent related to the ITS industry in Poland. The POLISH ITS CONGRESS lives on the market activity of its industry, which is a derivative of the general economic situation in the country.

The POLISH ITS CONGRESS has always been a response to the challenges of the ICT market in transport, changing expectations of it, both technical and social, and challenges in terms of its legal environment. The coming years, these changes and trials, will certainly not spare us. The sheer complexity of the geopolitical and economic situation in the country and in the world brings with it enough challenges. The spectre of turmoil and possible crisis situations also brings opportunities that are worth noticing now. Regardless of the scale of these changes, it is worth remembering the message attributed to the British Prime Minister, Winstonto Churchill – “donot waste a good crisis”.

We hope that the jubilee XV POLISH ITS CONGRESS will be held in a full gala, meeting your highest expectations both in relation to the presented content and the whole of this largest event of the environment Intelligent Transport Systems in Poland.

Referring to the tradition of previous years, in October 2023 the leading representatives of the Intelligent Transport Systems industry will meet in Warsaw. Experts and practitioners of the ITS industry as well as representatives of the academic world will raise a whole range of issues related to the latest technologies in transport, seen both from the side of transport infrastructure and the vehicle. There will be threads among the topics discussed, which every year are of great interest to both the public sector and companies. These include issues related to public transport, traffic management and parking lots,travel information systems and automation in transport. We will also discuss developingthematic areas, such as the use of artificial intelligence, big data analysis, data mining, or zone management in cities. There will also be issues related to the law and financing of Intelligent Transport Systems in Poland (especially in the face of the opening of the new EU budget perspective and the opportunities associated with it) and innovations in rail and air transport, carried out,, using drones.

Similarly to the format of the previous edition of the POLISH ITS CONGRESS, also inthe upcoming Congress we anticipate open discussion panels creating opportunities for active participation in the event.

The upcoming meeting will open, as always, with speeches by representatives of key institutions and organizations responsible for the development and implementation of ITS technologies, and the program, as every year, will be complemented by an opportunity for meetings and business talks.

We cordially invite you!

Tomasz Kamiński, PhD, Eng., Prof. IBDiM
Chairman of the Programme Council
of the ITS POLSKA Association
Marek Litwin, PhD, Eng.
President of the Management Board
ITS POLSKA Association