28th-29th May, 2014; Warsaw, Poland
The presentations:
Day 1 (28.05.2014) – download
Day 2 (29.05.2014) – download
The final conclusions – download
The photo gallery – see
For the seventh time, ITS POLAND has organized the biggest and most important event for the Intelligent Transport Systems industry, the POLISH ITS CONGRESS (PKITS), which took place between the 28th and 29thof May, 2014, at the Marriott Hotel in Warsaw. A record number of participants attended the event: over 360 people from companies related to Intelligent Transport Systems, government bodies, local authorities, technical universities and the press. Among the participants of the Congress, more than 60% were representatives of the local government sector.
From year to year the Congress grows not only in the number of participants but also in the amount of presentations and the topics discussed. Issues related to road transport are not the only issues that were discussed;during this year’s event topics related to railways and air trafficwere also presented.
“I would like to emphasize that the aim of the Polish ITS Congress and the objective of the ITS POLAND Association is to build mutual collaboration platforms of between universities, the public sector, expert circles and public authorities that affect the practical implementation of intelligent solutions.” – Said Marek Litwin, President of ITS POLAND,during the opening of the Congress.
The organizers of the 7th Polish ITS Congress have put emphasis on the issues of traffic management systems on national roads, the use of ITS in public transport systems, railtraffic and air traffic management systems, segmental speed measurement, solutions to increase road safety, as well as the sub-issues of standardization and legal, economic and financial aspects.
During the two days of the Congress 39 presentations were done. Thesewere divided into the following themes:
An additional point to the first day of the meeting was the signing a cooperation agreement between the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications and ITS POLAND by, respectively,Krzysztof Król and Marek Litwin.
The culmination of the day was the awarding ceremony of thefifth edition of the ITS LIDER competition. The competition is organized by ITS POLAND and the editorial staff of the ITS Review (Przegląd ITS). This year’s contest was under the honorable patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, the Centre for EU Transport Projects and the Polish National Economic Chamber of Road. The sponsor of the contest was Kapsch Telematic Services ltd., who is also the sponsor forthe training of the winner of the best thesis award.
The jury comprised ofM.Sc.Piotr M. Krukowski, Dr.Eng.Marek Litwin, Prof. Jerzy Mikulski, Dr.Eng. IzabellaMitraszewska, Dr.Eng. Jacek Oskarbski, M.Eng. Marek Rolla, Prof. WojciechWawrzyński andChairman of the Jury, Prof. Wojciech Suchorzewskiselected the two winners and four runner-ups. The finalists received statuettes and awards from Bartłomiej Bodio, President of the ITS Parliamentary Team and prof. Wojciech Suchorzewski – President of the Jury of the competition.
The winners of the fifth edition of the competition are:
The best product-device realized by the company ITS industry:
The best implementation by governments and institutions:
Best research and development work:
Best Dissertation bycollege graduate:
A highlight of the evening was the celebration ofthe 20th anniversary of the APM Company. In recognition of the many years of the Company’s business and its contribution to the development of ITS POLAND, the President of ITS POLAND, Marek Litwin, on the behalf of the Association handed over a congratulatory letter to Mr. PawełPiwowarczyk, Vice President of APM.
On the second day, the Congress held four sessions and the third edition of the debate conducted in collaboration with the daily newspaperDziennikGazetaPrawna. The debate was participated by: Marek Cywiński (Kapsch Telematic Services Polska), DariuszDziadzio (Polish Parliament), Marek Litwin (ITS POLSKA), AndrzejMaciejewski (GDDKiA), ŁukaszMajchrzak (GITD), Wojciech Suchorzewski (PolitechnikaWarszawska).
The main topics of the debate included issues such as:
The last point of the two-day Congress was a plenary discussion and a summary of the Congress, which was held under the lead of the Conclusion Commission’s proposals.
The Polish ITS Congress in 2014 was under the patronage of leading institutions associated with the development and implementation of advanced technologies in transportation. These are: the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, the Parliamentary Committee for Infrastructure, General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, ITS Europe (ERTICO), the General Inspectorate of Road Transportation, Transportation Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Board of Directors of the Regional Roads Administration, the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw, the Association of Polish Cities, the Association of Polish Counties and the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunication.
The speakers represented the following entities: the ITS PolandAssociation, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, the Polish Parliament (specifically the Parliamentary ITS Group), the Office of the Capital City of Warsaw, the European Commission, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunication, the Association of Polish Counties, Kapsch, the Provincial Road Management of Krakow, VARS Brno, Qumak, Neurosoft, the PTV Group, the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency, the Institute of Railway, the Automation Association KOMBUD Radom, Polish Railway Linesof Lublin, the Railway Automation Association in Lublin, Kentkart, the Politechnika of Poznań, AB-Micro, Trapeze, Dysten, Kapsch, the Politechnika of Silesia, APM, the Chief Inspectorate of Road Transport, the West Pomeranian Business School, the West Pomeranian University of Technology, Sprint, Vitronic, the University of Warsaw and the Mining and Metallurgy Academy of Krakow.
The Diamond Sponsor of the Congress was Kapsch (sponsor of the lunch on the first day of the meetings). The Golden Sponsors who funded coffee breaks were: Kentkart, Neurosoft and the PTV Group. Among the Silver Sponsors were: AB-Micro, APM, Barco, Dysten, HP, Qumak, Sprint, Trapeze and VARS Brno. Congress bags, lanyards and badges were sponsored by PKP-Informatyka. The partner of the Congress was the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA / PAŻP).
The media partners included: the daily newspaper GazetaPrawna, the ITS Review, Arcana Gis,,, Radiotech,, e-myto, Transport Infrastructure, the Highways Magazine, Polish Roads, and Transport and Communication.
The organizer of the six previous editions of the Polish ITS Congress was the ITS Poland Association, a member of ITS Europe – ERTICO. The organization staff was provided by Net Solutions ltd.