We are invite all interested with cooperation to contact with ITS POLSKA, tel. +48 22 630 99 09 or e-mail: kongres@itspolska.pl.
Detailed offer Sponsorship and Partnership
Sponsor diamentowy |
Kapsch www: kapsch.net |
Sponsor złoty |
Fara FARA is a Norwegian-based IT company specializing in intelligent transport solutions (ITS) for the public transport sector. The company is a leading supplier of real-time passenger information and electronic ticketing systems in the Nordics. Our innovative solutions provide convenience for the passengers, together with the control, statistics and management tools requested by transport authorities and operators. FARA is represented in Poland with a branch office in Warsaw with apx. 25 employees. City-Nav and FARA has joined forces to develop a comprehensive journey planner app, with integrated ticketing functionality and real-time location data. The app provides passengers with an all-in-one solution that seamlessly gathers all the services needed to plan, purchase and monitor their trips. At the same time, public transport authorities and operators are provided with real-time statistics and control of all ticketing activities. The solution can be activated quickly, without the need for large investments. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you take control of mobile ticketing, and provide your passengers with the most complete mobility service available in the market. www: fara.no |
City Nav City-nav Sp. z o.o., the owner of the brand Jakdojade.pl, is a company providing innovative IT solutions supporting public transport services. The service, available through web and mobile applications, give users comprehensive passenger information in most Polish cities. Jakdojade.pl supports public transport and improves the quality and standard of service given by carriers. Every day, tens of thousands of passengers are using Jakdojade.pl, which greatly improves their trip planning process. City-nav applies the latest technologyin the development and improvement of their system, which raises the quality of search results. Close and constant cooperation with carriers and public transport institutions ensures top quality and up-to-date routing data. www: city-nav.com |
Neurosoft www: neurosoft.pl |
Sponsor srebrny |
APM www: apm.pl |
BARCO www: barco.com |
AB Micro www: abmicro.pl |
Sprint www: sprint.pl |
T-Systems T-Systems is Deutsche Telekom’s corporate customer arm. Drawing on a global infrastructure of data centers and networks, T-Systems operates information and communication technology (ICT) systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions. T-Systems provides integrated solutions for the networked future of business and society. Some 50,000 employees at T-Systems combine industry expertise and ICT innovations to add significant value to the digitization strategies and core business of customers all over the world. T-Systems generated revenue of around EUR 9,5 billion in the 2013 financial year. www: t-systems.pl |
Trapeze Group is an international IT company providing enterprise solutions that consider the full 360 degrees of transport. The company has grown its solution portfolio and global presence to become one of the world’s leading companies of software solutions and intelligent transport systems. Trapeze provides its solutions to public and private transport organisations and authorities across Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific. www: trapezegroup.pl |
www: starits.pl |
Patroni |
Ertico ITS Europe www: ertico.com |
ITS Nationals www: itsnetwork.org |
Ministerstwo Infrastruktury i Rozwoju www: mir.gov.pl |
Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad www: gddkia.gov.pl |
Główny Inspektorat Transportu Drogowego www: gitd.gov.pl |
Polska Akademia Nauk www: pan.pl |
Konwent Dyrektorów Zarządów Dróg Wojewódzkich www: zdw.krakow.pl |
Ogólnopolska Izba Gospodarcza i Drogownictwa![]() |
Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) has remained in operation since January 1993, organizing now more than 120 biggest companies of the ICT and telecommunication sector. The Chamber is the most serious partner both in the law making process and in the opinionating of the on-going decisions taken by the Government administration and regulating bodies. Management of the Chamber accomplish their goals just through collaboration with the legislative institutions, State administration and local-government administration by providing them with the required information, competent analyses and constructive evaluations of the phenomena and activities which are important for the ICT market. PIIT affected in a major and important way the shape of tax, customs, certification, copyright and public procurement procedure Acts and regulations. PIIT experts participated in elaboration of the Telecommunication Law, Personal Data Protection, Electronic Signature, Public Procurement Law, Copyright and Related Rights, and many other Acts. The Chamber earned opinion of being an honest and constructive partner in discussions and negotiations, and an expert in explaining of the new technical solutions. Representatives of the Chamber actively participated in debates of the Computerization Boards and in many others. A highly important function of PIIT is the promotion of the Polish ICT market and the companies which are active thereon, among others through co-organization of the Polish IT Congresses, or through assistance offered in organization of trips of the Polish companies to CeBIT Fair in Germany. The Chamber is a patron of the biggest Polish ICT events. Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications is a member of international organizations DigitalEurope, thus having opportunity to affect shape of the European law in the ICT sector. Polska Izba Informatyki i Telekomunikacji http://www.piit.org.pl, e-adres: biuro@piit.org.pl |
Unia Metropolii Polskich www: metropolie.pl |
Związek Miast Polskich www: zmp.poznan.pl |
Związek Powiatów Polskich www: zpp.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy |
Prezydent Miasta Białegostoku www: www.bialystok.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Gdańska www: gdansk.pl
Prezydent Miasta Kielc www: kielce.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Łodzi www: bip.uml.lodz.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Opola www: opole.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Poznania www: poznan.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Rzeszowa www: kielce.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Wrocławia |
Prezydent Miasta Poznania www: poznan.pl |
Prezydent Miasta Rzeszowa www: kielce.pl |
Marszałek Województwa Mazowieckiego www: mazovia.pl |
Marszałek Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego |
Marszałek Województwa Lubuskiego www: lubuskie.pl |
Marszałek Województwa Pomorskiego www: pomorskie.eu |
Marszałek Województwa Małopolskiego www: malopolskie.pl/ |
Marszałek Województwa Opolskiego www: opolskie.pl |
Marszałek Województwa Świętokrzyskiego www: sejmik.kielce.pl |
Marszałek Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego www: wzp.pl |
Partnerzy |
ITS Cluster www: itsklaster.pl |
Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego Inżynierii Komunikacyjnej “IKKU” Istniejemy od lutego 1998 r., a działalność rozpoczęliśmy w styczniu 1999 r. pierwszym zrealizowanym szkoleniem na zamówienie firmy DROMEX na temat “Zasady współczesnego systemu szkoleń w dużym podmiocie gospodarczym”. Świadczymy usługi edukacyjno-szkoleniowe oraz konsultacyjno-doradcze w zakresie inżynierii komunikacyjnej i transportu, m.in. dla administracji publicznej, przedsiębiorstw wykonawczych, biur projektowych i firm transportowych. Współpracujemy z wysokiej klasy ekspertami, którzy oferują “wiedzę z pierwszej ręki” – inżynierską, prawną, ekonomiczną a przede wszystkim praktyczną. www: ikku.pl |
OpenSky Systems and Services Firma OpenSky Systems and Services Sp. z o.o. jest firmą konsultingową oferującą usługi w zakresie planowania i projektowania systemów transportu: drogowego, kolejowego, lotniczego, intermodalnego; komunikacji publicznej, planowania, projektowania i integracji systemów ITS, studiów lokalizacyjnych i studiów wykonalności, budownictwa i inwestycji, ochrony środowiska, wydawnictw, szkoleń i konferencji, systemów informatycznych, menadżerskiej obsługi projektów, kompleksowego przygotowania dokumentów aplikacyjnych dotyczących pozyskania funduszy z Unii Europejskiej. Firma skupia wykwalifikowanych doradców wywodzących się z przemysłu i środowisk akademickich, od szeregu lat działających na rynkach krajowych i zagranicznych, którzy postanowili stworzyć profesjonalny zespół doradczy będący w stanie zaoferować kompleksową obsługę swoim klientom. Dotychczas współpracowaliśmy z jednostkami rządowymi i samorządowymi, inwestorami prywatnymi oraz jako podwykonawcy dla większych firm projektowo-konsultingowych. www: openskyservices.com |
Radar Events www: radarevents.pl |
Patronaty medialne |
![]() “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” is an opinion-forming Polish legal and economical daily newspaper. It was estabilished in 2009 as a fusion of two well-known newspapers: “Dziennik Polska Europa Świat (Axel Springer Polska) and “Gazeta Prawna” (INFOR Biznes). At present INFOR Biznes is the publisher of DGP. “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” is composed of two paper backs – the white one is on country and economic matters and the yellow one is on law. During the week, from Monday to Friday there are ten regular supplements to the newspaper: “Accounting & Taxes”, “Bookkeeping & Audit”, “Firm & Law”, “My Company”, “Local Government & Administration”, “The Lawyer”, “Personnel & Wages”, “Insurance & Benefits”, “Everyday Law” and “Culture”. On Fridays “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” is a magazine edition. Instead of short news there are long deepened articles about such subjects as society, economiy and technological innovations – similar to weekly magazines. http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/ |
ITS Przegląd www: przeglad-its.pl |
ESRI Polska Esri Polska Ltd. was established in 1995 and is the sole authorised representative of ESRI Inc., Redlands, California, and Esri products distributor, within the country of Poland. Esri Polska Ltd. employs above 70 experts from various fields and sectors (GIS, geography, geodesy, IT, environmental protection, forestry and others). The company provides support and technical services for Esri software users. It offers the full range of professional services including needs assessments, consulting services, system design and engineering, application design and development, implementation, and user training. Esri Polska Ltd. permanently co-operates with experts and partners, who develop professional GIS applications, which support users in many sectors of economy, such as: registers of real estates, power supply, physical planning, urban development, management of technical network infrastructure, monitoring of distribution of hazardous substances, fleet management and monitoring, forest management, development of waste management plans etc. Such collaboration provides flexibility of developed projects and high quality of their performance. Esri Polska Ltd. customers include about 1500 users, among others:
Drogi Gminne i Powiatowe Dwumiesięcznik „Drogi Gminne i Powiatowe” to pierwsze na rynku czasopismo poświęcone w całości praktycznym aspektom pracy zarządców dróg oraz przedstawicieli firm projektowych i wykonawczych. Dzięki komentarzom prawnym i aktualnym informacjom technicznym świetnie sprawdza się jako narzędzie pomocne w rozwiązywaniu codziennych problemów związanych z projektowaniem, budowaniem i zarządzaniem drogami. Czytelnicy „Dróg Gminnych i Powiatowych” czerpią wiedzę z artykułów eksperckich o tematyce prawnej, które w przystępny sposób wyjaśniają zastosowanie aktualnych rozporządzeń. Dzięki tekstom o charakterze technicznym są zawsze na bieżąco z najnowszymi rozwiązaniami stosowanymi w branży. Opublikowane w dwumiesięczniku testy materiałów i urządzeń oraz szacunkowe kosztorysy pomagają w dokonaniu rzetelnej oceny dostępnych na rynku produktów i podjęcie optymalnych decyzji zakupowych. Wśród wiadomości cennych zarówno dla sektora samorządowego, jak i biznesu znajdują się również porady ekspertów, informacje o wydarzeniach branżowych oraz analizy wzorcowych inwestycji pod kątem wykonania i źródeł finansowania. „Drogi Gminne i Powiatowe” to także prawdziwa skarbnica gotowych dokumentów i formularzy niezbędnych w pracy zarządcy, projektanta i wykonawcy inwestycji drogowych. Do czasopisma dołączane są płyty z plikami, które wystarczy wydrukować, wypełnić i zastosować w praktyce. Profesjonalne dodatki cieszą się dużym zainteresowaniem czytelników, ponieważ pomagają szybko i bezproblemowo wykonywać zadania z zakresu drogownictwa. |
Portal edroga.pl Edroga.pl is an internet portal dedicated to roads. We highlight top developments in the roads industry, publish articles and cover events in the roads sector. >Our website www.edroga.pl features valuable advice related to planning and construction of roads and bridges, traffic engineering, road safety, environmental protection mobility and regulations in those fields. |
etransport.pl etransport.pl is a source of knowledge of the TSL branch as well as a way of spending time in a nice company. You will find here media information, up-to-date traffic bans on European roads, a map of reliable car parks which are worth stopping off, a discussion forum – the most comprehensive mine of knowledge of the branch, together with the largest work database for drivers, shippers and carriers, and even some interesting cooking recipes for dishes which are possible to successfully prepare at a car park – kuchniakierowcy.pl. Through the account on etransport.pl you will meet some interesting people, share your photos, have a chance to chat online and share films or funny pictures in the humor section. Address: Novemedia Ltd |
We have published “Infrastructure: People Innovations Technologies” magazine since 2006. Anna Krawczyk is both the publisher of this periodical as well as the editor-in-chief of a quarterly “Nawierzchnie Asfaltowe” (Asphalt Surfaces) and “Lodz Creates Innovation” bulletin, co-financed by the European Union. In 2006 we edited an English language version of an album titled “Warsaw in Perspective”, which was published by Crystal Publishing Group and The Warsaw Voice. Inframedia offers a comprehensive help during the publishing process. From sourcing and editing the content, fine-tuning style, proofreading, taking and choosing the perfect pictures through to typesetting, preparation to print and the supervision over the printing process. Specialists with years of professional editing experience are on board our team. Moreover, we can prepare articles and advertisements to our magazine “Infrastructure: People Innovations Technologies” and, naturally, publish them. We have organised every single detail of dozens of debates, workshops, seminars and conferences, which were attended, all in all, by a couple of thousand participants, some of whom became regular visitors. We are conscious that photographs are a powerful tool to convey a message. We, therefore, collaborate with experienced specialists in this field. We are interested in expression and dynamism, features most highly valued in the world of business. If this is the light in which you wish to present your company, do not hesitate and use our services. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Miesi%C4%99cznik-Infrastruktura-Ludzie-Innowacje-Technologie/228565627276947 |
Magazyn Autostrady „Magazyn Autostrady” (Highways Magazine) is a leading publication on the market of trade magazines dealing with road and bridge construction. Experienced editorial team, constant monitoring of the readers’ needs and co-operation with the sector’s professionals allow us to create a journal of high essential standard and modern layout. The magazine presents state-of-the-art technologies, innovations, materials, as well as interesting interviews and expertise. |
Polski Rynek Transportu Lotniczego www: prtl.pl |
Polskie Drogi “Polskie Drogi” – having been published for over 20 years, is the oldest and greatest magazine of the road industry. It brings up the most important topics connected to the industry of roads, construction and transport. For years it has been cooperating with the key players on the market: entrepreneurs’ organisations, research institutes, contractors and road administration. The magazine actively supports the development of intelligent transport systems in Poland. http://polskiedrogi.com.pl/ |
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TransInfo![]() |
Transport i Komunikacja “Transport and Traffic” is a magazine taking issues with the innovative development of the transport sector, logistics and infrastructure. Specialists and experts in the fields of road, rail, sea, air transport and logistics write for us. The special feature of the journal is emphasis on the promotion of good practices and useful analysis to share gained achievements in the sectors. We try to show solutions that demonstrate the positive effects of cooperation between business, science and public administration in Poland and abroad. Comments, feedbacks, opinions can be found in the magazine, that clearly interpret implemented changes in regulations and legislation, tips for use in the transportation industry and the characteristics of financial solutions and mold tools for the development of human resources and companies. “Transport and Traffic” is also a handbook of industry events, trade fairs, conferences, forums and training. |
Transport Miejski i Regionalny
www: tmir.sitk.org |