PKITS – summary 2024

7-8 October 2024, Warsaw, Poland


On behalf of the Organizer, the ITS POLSKA Association, we would like to thank you for your participation in the XVI POLISH ITS CONGRESS, which took place on October 7-8, 2024 at the “Mercure Warszawa Centrum” hotel in Warsaw. During the two days of debates, over 200 people took part in the congress. It is worth noting that 45% of the participants of the congress were representatives of the public sector, whose participation is free of charge, 33% were representatives of companies and 22% were the staff of universities and scientific institutions.

One of the goals of the POLISH ITS CONGRESS is to integrate the environment related to intelligent solutions in transport, acquiring new knowledge, exchanging views, inspiration and establishing business relationships. Parallel to the discussion panels, comprehensive solutions for ITS systems were presented by manufacturers and suppliers of services and devices. During the two days of the congress, representatives of leading companies on the ITS market were at the disposal of the participants, who discussed the latest technological solutions in transport and the possibilities of integration with these systems.

Photos – see

Traditionally, the Polish ITS Congress lasted two days.  During the first day of the congress, 5 sessions were held:

1. Traffic management, 2. Networks and analytics of ITS systems, 3. Financing ITS solutions, 4. Cybersecurity and 5. Road protection and weighing systems for vehicles in motion (part 1) and a discussion panel with the participation of experts entitled “Mobility as a service”. On the second day, 2 sessions were moderated: 1. Road protection and weighing systems for vehicles in motion (part 2), 2. Urban mobility and 3 discussion panels with the participation of experts: 1. Code of Good Practice for Effective ITS Implementation – 2024 edition, 2. Artificial intelligence in transport and 3. Experience in the implementation of air mobility solutions in the agglomeration and the region.

During the two days of the congress, an exhibition zone awaited its participants, where those interested could talk directly to representatives of companies about the presented products or solutions. Exhibition stands are planned by: Hikvision Poland, Swarco Poland, Sprint S.A., APM PRO, Elstop, Neurosoft and Elmark Automatyka.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the Speakers and Experts who shared their knowledge and experience with the participants of the congress with their speeches. At the same time, we would like to thank all participants for coming and participating in the Polish ITS Congress 2024.

Program – see

Presentations – download

Traditionally, the first day of the Polish ITS Congress was crowned with the official announcement of the results of the ITS LEADER competition. The final of the fourteenth edition of the Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski ITS LEADER Competition under the honorary patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure took place on October 7, 2024.

The ITS LEADER 2024 statuette was awarded to projects and tasks completed in 2023 in four categories:

• the best product-device implemented by ITS companies,

• the best implementation of projects/activities by government agencies, local governments and institutions,

• the best scientific and research work,

• the best diploma thesis of a university graduate.

The main objective of the Professor Wojciech Suchorzewski ITS LEADER Competition is to promote projects aimed at the development of friendly technologies of Intelligent Transport Systems in Poland, especially innovative and effective products-devices, implementations and scientific solutions.

The competition jury consisting of: Prof. Mirosław Siergiejczyk – chairman, Prof. Jerzy Mikulski, Prof. Tomasz Kamiński, Prof. IBDiM, Dr. Eng. Marek Litwin, Prof. Jacek Oskarbski, Professor of the Gdańsk University of Technology, Marek Rolla, MSc, Eng. and Piotr Krukowski, MSc, selected the following winners of each thematic category:

Category “Best ITS Product-Device”:

APM PRO Sp. z o.o. for the “Automatic Ice Prevention System – Control Ice Pro, along the S7 expressway”.

Category “Best implementation implemented by the public sector”:

The Municipal Streets and Bridges Authority in Katowice for the “Katowice Intelligent Transport Management System in Katowice”.

Category “Best Scientific and Research Work”:

Arkadiusz Drabicki from the Tadeusz Kościuszko Cracow University of Technology for “Modelling the impact of real-time crowding information in urban public transport networks”.

Category “Best Diploma Thesis”:

Agnieszka Socha from the Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Metrology, Electronics and Automation, for “Signal processing in HSWIM (High Speed Weigh in Motion) systems”.

On the basis of the above-mentioned evaluation rules and the comments of the Jury members, one distinction was awarded:

Distinction in the ITS LEADER 2024 competition in the category “Best product-device in the ITS industry:

Sprint S.A. for “Parent application – Sprint/ITS”.

We would like to thank all the Sponsors, Patrons and Partners who supported our activities and contributed to the success of the 16th POLISH ITS CONGRESS. We have known some of you since the beginning of the ITS POLSKA Association, we meet every year and together we create an environment that spreads knowledge and news about safe transport, which can be implemented on city and national roads.

We would like to express our special thanks to all sponsors, without whom the free participation of representatives of public institutions would not be possible:

Hikvision Poland and Swarco Poland, our Diamond Sponsors and lunch hosts,

APM PRO and Sprint S.A., our Gold Sponsors and hosts of coffee breaks

and Elstop and Neurosoft, our Silver Sponsors.

We would like to thank the Honorary Patrons of the Polish ITS Congress 2024, who were: the European Organization ERTICO / ITS Nationals, the Parliamentary Committee on Infrastructure, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Chief Inspectorate of Road Transport, the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways, the Road and Bridge Research Institute, the Transport Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Association of Polish Counties, the Convention of the Voivodeship Roads Authority, the Union of Polish Metropolises and the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Road Construction; 11. Marshals of the following voivodeships: Lower Silesian, Lubuskie, Lubelskie, Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Opolskie, Pomorskie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie, Wielkopolskie and Zachodniopomorskie and 12. Mayors of the following cities: Białystok, Bydgoszcz, Chełm, Gdańsk, Lublin, Łódź, Toruń, Olsztyn, Opole, Poznań, Rzeszów and Szczecin.

We would like to thank the PKITS 2024 Partners, which were: the SmartCity Lab laboratory, the “IKKU” Education and Counseling Center, the Polish Aviation Club

and media partners, i.e. industry portals: “Autostrady” and “Drogi Publiczny” magazines, “Railway Report” and “Tram Report”.

We are glad that the Polish Congress of Intelligent Transport Systems has been integrating our industry environment for many years and we already invite you to the Polish ITS Congress 2025!

On behalf of the Board of the ITS POLSKA Association – Marek Litwin, Ph.D.