Agenda (2012)

First Day (22.05.2012)

Registration, welcome coffee (8:00 – 9:00)

Session 0. Official opening (9:00 – 10:10)

Welcome address – Marek Litwin, ITS POLSKA
Official opening – Maciej Jankowski, Ministry of Transport
Speech – Paweł Stelmaszczyk, European Commission
Speech – Stanisław Żmijan, Infrastructure Committee of the Polish Parlament
Speech – Andrzej Maciejewski, Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Krajowych i Autostrad
Speech – Mieczysław Reksnis, City of Warsaw
Introduction – Wojciech Suchorzewski, Chairman of the PKITS Programme Board
Conclusions Committee set-up – Marek Litwin, ITS POLSKA

Session 1. Traffic Management Systems part I (10:15 – 10:45)

Traffic management systems on motorways, experience of the Siemens Company – Dariusz Obcowski, Paweł Wawrowski, Siemens
Intelligent Traffic Management System in the Podhale Region – Patryk Zakrzewski, Zarząd Dróg Wojewódzkich w Krakowie

Coffee break. SPonsor: ITS Polska (11:15 – 12:00)

Session 1. Traffic Management Systems part II (11:30 – 12:25)

Proposal of improvement of methods of assessing the effectiveness of adaptive traffic control – Tomasz Palak, Barbara Spólnicka, Politechnika Warszawska
Public transport priority – Local or Central? – Tadeusz Okoń, Sprint
Dilemmas in formulating the requirements for short-term traffic forecasts for traffic management system – Tomasz Dybicz, Politechnika Warszawska


Session 2. Vehicle detection and traffic surveys part I (12:30 – 13:15)

Multisensor WIM System – Ryszard Sroka, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Visualisation and real-time data processing with the use of GIS technology – Robert Jędrzejczak, Esri Polska
Planning of Customer Services for the Polish viaTOOL ETC – Piotr Olszewski, Politechnika Warszawska, Thomas Gollubits, Kapsch i Piotr Krukowski, Zarząd Dróg i Utrzymania Miasta Wrocławia

LUNCH. Sponsor: Kapsch (13:15 – 14:15)

Session 3. Vehicle detection and traffic surveys part II (14:15 – 15:10)

Selected problems of measuring traffic parameters with eddy-current inductive loop sensors – Marek Stencel, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Intelligent Vehicles Weight Preselection System on ZDW Lodz roads as an example of the Smart Meteorological And Road Traffic System "SMART" – Sławomir Daniek, Trax elektronik
Use of data of the pre-selective vehicle weighting system in traffic forecasting and Planning – Andrzej Mitas, Artur Ryguła, Witold Konior, APM Konior Piwowarczyk Konior


Session 4. Interoperability of ITS Systems part I (15:15 – 15:45)

The importance of standards and standarisation process in the development of Intelligent Transport Systems – Krzysztof Modelewski, ITS POLSKA
Open protocols of information exchange in ITS systems – Grzegorz Kawka, Telsat

Coffee break. Sponsor: Neurosoft (15:45 – 16:30)

Session 4. Interoperability of ITS Systems part II (16:30 – 17:30)

Open standards and specifications for traffic systems – Suzanne Hoadley, POLIS
Advanced networking solutions in the Intelligent Transportation Systems context – Marcin Kalisiak, Alcatel-Lucent
Open Internet technologies in the remote system for automatic recording of signals from the sensors used in the measurement of traffic parameters – Zbigniew Marszałek, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie


Conclusions on the Congress first day (17:30 – 18:00)

Evening reception and inauguration of the third edition „ITS Leader” Competition in Museum of Technology in Warsaw, Defilad Sq 1 (19:00 – 22:00)

Second Day (23.05.2012)

Session 5. The Role of ITS in Meetings Objectives of Sustainable Transport Development (9:00 – 10:25)

ITS impact assessment – Suzanne Hoadley, POLIS
Telematic applications – key to increasing of the road safety – Zuzana Krchová, Univeristy of Žilina
Real time Vehicle and Drivers Assignment in Rome – Bruno Stockel, M.A.I.O.R
Slovak Railways passenger ticketing Solutions – Dusan Mamrilla, Hewlett-Packard
Safety Management of Road Infrastructure – Karsten McFarland, PTV


Session 6. Use of ITS Applications in Solving Transport Problems in Cities, part I (10:30 – 11:15)

Application of telematics in parking management – Lubomir Cernicky, Uniwersytet Zilina
Wirtual induction loop as a tool assuring effectiveness of the system – Piotr Bardadyn, Neurosoft
Friendly city – Paweł Olczak, Kapsch Telematic Services

Coffee break. Sponsor: UTI Grupa Polska (11:15 – 12:00)

Session 6. Use of ITS Applications in Solving Transport Problems in Cities, part II (12:00 – 12:40)

Intelligent System for supporting passenger modal transfer – Krzysztof Gowik, Wojciech Palczyński, Trapeze Poland
Integrated Fare Management. Institutional and technological integration of fee management in the City of Bucharest – Florin Nemtanu, University of Bucharest


Conclusions Committee: discussion and summary of the Congress (12:40 – 13:10)

LUNCH. Sponsor: PTV (13:10 – 14:10)

Debate In cooperation with newspaper Gazeta Prawna and ITS POLSKA
• Wykorzystanie nowych technologii telekomunikacyjnych, informatycznych,
automatycznych i pomiarowych w zakresie zarządzania ruchem drogowym
• Telematyka, czyli co to są Inteligentne Systemy Transportowe (ITS)
• Dlaczego potrzebna jest strategia rozwoju ITS
• Korzyści wynikające z zastosowania ITS
• Jak poprawić bezpieczeństwo uczestników ruchu drogowego, jak zwiększyć efektywność systemu transportowego oraz ochrony zasobów środowiska naturalnego
• Stan legislacyjno – organizacyjny w zakresie ITS w Polsce, bariery rozwojowe
• Źródła finansowania ITS
• Europejski plan wdrożenia IST




Silver Sponsor